Project Evaluation

CAP-Youth Empowerment Institute is a non-government organization committed, specifically to skills training for youth through Basic Employability Skill Training (BEST) model. CAP YEI is implementing the Learn, Earn, and Save Initiative in Sub Sahara Africa—Kenya, supported by the MasterCard Foundation and CAP Workforce Development Institute. This project is well located in and suitable to addressing critical issues concerning youth in the paradoxical context of booming economic growth and growing youth unemployment in Kenya.

CAP YEI Learn Earn & Save Initiative rests on the premise that disadvantaged youth need end-to-end community based solutions in linking quality learning and sustainable income earning opportunities to access secure futures. Following this central goal; to provide basic employability and entrepreneurship skills to youth. CAP YEI’s vision is to be an end-to-end community based solutions provider in linking quality learning and sustainable livelihood for vulnerable communities of children and young people.